Friday, February 28, 2014

Happen at Once

A straightforward retelling of the days just past would have to include the books that I've finished (a biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder and a book of the articles she wrote for the small newspaper that serviced her small farming community in the Ozarks), the book I just reconnected with (Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch), the lunch I had with my mother at the Hispanic Cultural Center's restaurant, the class that David and I taught on Wednesday evening, and the pizza we had for dinner last night after retrieving these two from the vet's office where they had dental work done:

Gray Kitty

A cleaning for Gray Kitty.


A cleaning and three extractions (bringing the total up to 12 since we've had her) for Saba, poor thing. She is the most darling cat ever, but humorless, and didn't appreciate the enforced seventeen hour fast just prior to being sedated for dental work. She came home (they both did) wonky and sad and starving. I felt terrible for them, so they got lots of canned food and pets and space and time to sleep it off.  They'll go back next week or the week after to check that everything's healing all right.

I haven't been to the studio this week any day but Wednesday when we were teaching so I couldn't work on my own stuff. I went into my cubicle for awhile and just looked around at all the stuff in progress and felt momentarily overwhelmed. I want everything to happen at once, of course.


Ruthy said...

Allergies suck, huh? Poor grandcats. Lunch was very good. Love you,Mom

Rosa said...

I told Rudy about the restaurant; we should all meet there sometime for a meal--maybe brunch on the weekend. :)