Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Never Gonna Sleep No More No More

 My mother texted today that she has covid. She thinks she got it at Costco on Saturday because she started having symptoms on Sunday. Unfortunately, she could have had it for days and been passing it on to others prior to developing symptoms. Anyway, my aunt was on the way with a prescription for Paxlovid and my mom was all set otherwise. I'll text her tomorrow to check in and see how she's doing.

Covid is obviously still with us, but David and I and maybe one or two other friends are the only people I know who are masking or taking precautions otherwise. It's going on two and a half years that we've been taking precautions while the rest of the world wants to just forget it's happening and move on. Covid is still making people sick and still killing people. But whatever, right? Whatever.

Dave had physical therapy this afternoon and I stayed home and did a few chores, dishes, sweeping, laundry.  I read a bit and watched some youtube videos. I had a snack. 

Dave brought home Greek food for dinner, roast chicken and patates for me, a vegetarian dinner for himself. While we ate, we watched Wanda Sykes last comedy special. 

After dinner Dave had to get back to work for awhile so I started cleaning the small bathroom and moving stuff around. There is no storage in the small bathroom so I moved one of our folding bookshelves in there to hold stuff.  I still need to organize and finish mopping the floor, but it's a start. 

I made hummingbird food and he cleaned and filled the feeders. Chance got let out to pee a handful of times. Gray Kitty got a million treats and some time outside. He's stretched out on the rug near me as I type. He likes to lay there until I get up and then he takes over my chair.

 It's eleven-fifteen. I should get into my pajamas so I can go to bed and not sleep some more.


Carol said...

Hey you! Just chiming in to say sorry to hear your Mom has/s Covid. And that we were lax/maskless for three months when numbers were so low (though still haven’t gone to movies or restaurants) but started wearing them again with this new uptick. Esp since we’re going to California next week (masking on planes too) as his family is paying for everything. We still haven’t gotten it, are boosted to the max. Nearly everyone thinks we’re over cautious. A pal of mine was sick with it for nearly three weeks! Another friend was sick a third of last year from Covid and flu and everything else. It’s tiring trying to explain. Sigh.

Rosa said...

My mother is already treating negative, thankfully. Stay safe n my friend! It's out there and some of us have very complicated medical situations and should avoid getting it even if it means risking others' judgements for being "too cautious"! Have a great time in CA though too!

Carol said...

Thanks! I’m not vending at the arts fair tomorrow because of upcoming trip. Thankfully my friend Joanie understands and will sell my geodes for me. On the other side, I had another friend tell me you can only get Covid outside if someone licks you. Sigh again.

Rosa said...

Licks you?? We're never going to be free of covid, are we?

Carol said...

We're never going to be free, plus all other diseases that we thought were either eradicated or managed are going to flourish because of anti-vaxxers. Did you read how some now are anti-vax for their PETS!? That they're not going to give them their rabies shots because autism!?