Thursday, October 27, 2005

See Also: Yawn

Ah, it’s been a while since I posted.

I have been writing and writing and writing, but it’s sadly not the kind of stuff that I want The Kaisha Trainers to read about. Sorry.

I did mention ‘round The Kaisha school where I work that the photos had been found, and the universal reaction was one of disgust and a healthy dose of: What business is it of theirs what we do on our off time?

Well, I guess this is Japan. Here, we just swallow our bitter little pills, ne? Ne.

Sorry. It’s early. I haven't put on my genki yet.

And, too, last night was Seth’s going away Kachi-kachi drinking party. Seth was not in the best mood as he had only been paid half of what he was supposed to’ve been paid. As he’s leaving for Korea today (in fact, he should be on a plane right now), he didn’t have time to sort out the money. (Which, to be fair, he had already sorted out before.) HIs take on things was, of course, that they are trying to screw him--though I told him if that was the case that he should just go over the head of anyone who he thought was going to screw him. He was reluctant to do so, which, in all honesty perhaps makes him a better person than I am. Because if it were me? The person I thought had screwed me would have my footprint on their scalp before they had even finished their sentence. That, or I’d do the Japanese version and smile then fuck everything up in my own behind-the-scenes way.

Wow, where is all this passive-aggressiveness come from? (See also: It's early. See also: Yawn.)

Perhaps it was because yesterday I had to speak to my twelve-year-old manager and six-year-old head teacher about my schedule. Ahhh. This was a very interesting meeting--and I would tell you all about it in great detail--if, of course, The Kaisha Trainers weren’t monitoring the blog. Once The Brain does some selective editing, I’ll post a version that only the lawyers will get to stick in court, okay?

But right now it’s early and I have to slam some coffee.

Today is my student boyfriend’s lesson and I want to be beautiful and hyper-caffeinated for him.


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