Thursday, November 15, 2007

Kaori & Leni

Kaori and Leni
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa

Here are Kaori and Leni, enjoying a moment together. Actually, it looks more like Kaori is enjoying the moment and Leni is begrudgingly allowing her picture to be taken in a humiliating pose because she thinks there will be some reward--some tuna-flavored reward--for doing so. And, yes, of course there was. I mean, look at that cat. She hasn't suffered from lack of treats on my watch, that's for sure. I think her returning owners will be a bit surprised at the change she's experienced.

Ah, so, it was a relaxing day with Kaori, whose idea of a holiday coincides much with my idea of a (non-travel) holiday: Rising at the crack of nine a.m., having a leisurely breakfast with many cups of coffee, sitting on the porch with more coffee, taking a walk, having coffee, looking in some shops, having a late lunch with some coffee, then, an hour or two later, having a fabulous dinner with friends. See? There's a day well spent right there.

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