Monday, November 12, 2007

Rudy, Scotty, Me

Rudy, Scotty, Me
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa

Here's another photo of me and my brothers in the backyard of the house where we grew up. I remember those brown boots I'm wearing; they were really stinky after awhile, but I loved them. I was always fascinated by how much boots make your feet sweat, but people wear them anyway.

On a completely unrelated note: My friend Kaori from Tokyo is coming to visit, right on the heels of Katsu and Naomi. She's staying for seven days, and I'm kind of at my wit's end trying to think of what to add to the itinerary to stretch New Mexico out. I mean, with Katsu and Naomi in four days we saw Albuquerque, White Sands, Carlsbad Caverns, Roswell, Santa Fe, and Chimayo. I guess I could add Cuba and Espanola to the tour. Espanola has a nice...Sonic. It's got a drive-through and everything!

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