Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Day Thus Far

Land Of The Setting Sun: Photo Op
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa

The Photo

I took this photo two years ago (almost to the day), at Narita's terminal one, while Dave and I were waiting for his flight. Ever wonder why Japan is called the land of the rising sun? The sun there is brilliant, rising and setting. Of course, because of the hours I worked (noon to ten p.m.) I rarely saw either sunrise or sunset.

The Morning

Well, Judi, David and I actually did go to yoga class this morning. We go to Bhava Yoga Studio, having followed our teacher Bea there from another studio. It's been several years since I did yoga regularly, and this morning was a bit of a struggle. I love yoga but it is psychologically difficult to maintain a practice, simply because stepping onto the mat is like going to battle. Not only do I have to trust the teacher to know what she is doing, I have to be willing to place myself in harm's way. I don't mean that yoga hurts (though sometimes it does); I mean that yoga practice invites me to confront all the demons that have wreaked havoc on me for years and years and years. Any- and everything rises to the surface when I am called to, as Bea often suggests, open to grace. (Bea is now at a yoga retreat in Mexico, and so our teacher this morning was Susan. Susan is equally intrepid, but slightly less focussed than Bea and so it was a good morning return to yoga. I mean all that as complementary to both teachers. Their styles are very different, is what I'm trying to say.)

(Just as a pure aside about yoga teachers, I do miss one guy who used to teach in Bea's place from time to time at the old studio. I think his name was Paul. He was very intense but he had a very sly and absurd sense of humor which was delightful. He told us one morning, as he directed us into child's pose (also called "balasana"), "Draw your arms back and make yourself into a tiny, little ball-asana," and I snorted and started giggling of course.)

The Aftermath

Today's accomplishments? I'd have to say that returning to yoga class is one of them, as is making it halfway through Day Three of Operation Hottie. My rewards? A nice soak in Kelly and Kevin's hottub followed by a few hours fireside with several back issues of The New Yorker.

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