Saturday, January 19, 2008

Did Rosa Take Any Risks

Perhaps the Worst

Things I learned in yoga this morning: Doing yoga with a headache is not a good idea. Doing yoga while nauseous is not a good idea. It was perhaps the worst yoga class yet.

If You'll Turn Your Attention to the Center Ring:

Things my site meter taught me:

If you Google "wardrobe remix 'high heeled thongs'"--you will get two hits, the first is my blog, the second is The Sydney Morning Herald writer named Sam Brite who writes a blog called "All Men Are Liars." His blog entry called "High Heels: What are they good for?" comes up as Google hit numbero dos.

If you Google "sherpa naming," my blog is number three on the list of 166,000 possible hits.

Never write an entry about chikan (molesters) in Tokyo. It will soon become the number one search term that brings people to your blog.

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