Friday, February 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by lynnebyx

The PhotoThis is a photo that I lifted from one of my friends' flickr sites. I met Lynn at the studio. She's recently retired, and, after a bit of travel, she wants to start a second career as a production potter.

We had dinner recently with Lynn and Carol, another potter from the studio, at Jinja. Lynn was especially proud that she had made the sake cups used at Jinja. And well she should be; they're really beautiful!

Anyway, Lynn is traveling now in Cuba. Can you imagine? Yes, she left before Castro decided to step down. I wonder whether she's having any second thoughts about travel to Cuba at the moment. She's there, in part, to attend a ceremony for a friend of a friend who's becoming a Santaria priestess. How cool is that?

In Other News
I'm taking care of my dog Crunch and his feline compatriot Betty at the moment. Yes, it means picking up dog poop and watching way too much cable television and fruitless digging for snacks in an unfamiliar kitchen. (Last night, I ate a third of a box of raisin bran cereal for want of something sweet.)

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