Friday, February 8, 2008

To-Done List

It's been a somewhat dizzyily busy week for my normally sluggardly, laze-about self:

Yoga on Saturday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Dinner with Lynn and Carol from the old studio on Thursday. An appointment with the oral surgeon on Wednesday. (Yes, I said oral surgeon. It's the same guy who pulled all my wisdom teeth on the same day seven years ago. This time it's all about the tooth I had pulled in November which will be replaced by a hellishly expensive implant. I mean, when all is said and done the thing is going to cost more than the first three cars I owned all added together. I hope it lasts longer than the original tooth. The implant I mean.)

And finally: This bit of conversation (that I lifted from "Overheard in New York") I find to be hilarious:

Unassailable Logic: A NYC Short Story

Conductor: Ladies and gentlemen, our train cannot proceed because of the passenger on the tracks.
Young black dude: If he is on the tracks, he is not a passenger. Let's go!

--N train

Overheard by: Julia

via Overheard in New York, Jan 18, 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck with the new tooth Tokyo. one less to worry about getting a cavity.