Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's Day, Etc.

Lu Ann & Dave
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa

The Photo
Waiting in line at Coldstone Creamery with Dave and Lu Ann. The place was packed.

Breakfast with Mom and Char at Garcia's followed by a four or so mile walk with Kelly, Kevin, Dave, and Lewie. It was a beautiful afternoon for a walk, but a little windy.

Dave and I are talking about going to Alaska this summer. We're also thinking about a tour somewhere abroad. I want to see someplace big (for me, big = China or Russia; for Dave, big = Canada). Oddly, there isn't an easy way to get from Alaska to Russia. There is a company that runs charter flights and they will sell you a seat if a chartered flight isn't full. The seats are about $250 each way and they only fly into one forlorn-ish city that appears to have no easily accessible ground transport to anywhere else. I don't care about seeing Moscow necessarily, but I don't really want to be stuck in some forsaken Siberian outpost either.

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