Sunday, March 16, 2008

Baby B

What kind of family are we that not one of us had a decent camera when we went to meet the new baby? All we had were our scratch-lensed cell phone cameras that, sans flash in the dim light, took fuzzy, dark photos of our newest family member.

Here is a well-fed and relaxed Baby B with her great-grandparents:

This is a photo I took as I held her:

She's got little cloudy dark eyes (that my mother, in true great-grandmotherly delusion, thinks will go green or blue in the future), a tiny version of my brother's (her grandfather) lumpy prize-fighter nose (sadly, I am similarly afflicted), and more fuzzy black hair than a Troll doll, but she's very beautiful and so far exceptionally well-mannered for someone who has spent almost three days on the planet. While we watched, she performed the everyday baby miracles of yawning, opening her eyes, crying, drinking from a bottle, burping, sleeping, and--my favorite--stretching out her long, skinny legs.

I don't want one of them--but I don't look at her and automatically think that we should send her back either.

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