Friday, May 16, 2008

Big Girl

Big Girl
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa

Yesterday Dave and I had lunch with The Newbie and her parents. Dave took this picture; it's my favorite picture of the bunches we took of her. She's growing like a little weed, as she should, and she's a remarkably well-behaved little child considering she's only two months old and could conceivably get away with a hell of a lot more otherwise unacceptable behavior. Anyway, she's coming along right on schedule, already gurgling and cooing and smiling and grabbing at things and making eye contact and even, reports her mama, trying to turn herself over. Also, she produces farts that make your eyes water, a trick her mama says she does quite often.

Here's another photo that I like:

The Newbie

Look at those intelligent eyes. She would never laugh at a fart joke.

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