Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wolf Spider

Wolf Spider
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa

I'm just going to take a break from posting family photos and skeletons in closets to talk about this, a wolf spider that one of Dave's coworkers caught yesterday. Dave said the spider was so calm that she just sat there in his coworker's hand.

This is a photo Dave took of her. Actually, he took about sixty photos of her in the plastic container he used to transport her, then in the bowl (seen here) that he placed her in for the express purpose of taking her picture, then outside, where she hid in a small crevice after he released her.

When I got home from the gym last night, he asked me if I wanted to see a cool spider and I assumed he meant some photos of a cool spider, but no, he meant a cool spider. He got his insect spotting lamp and showed me where she was hiding in a small space near the door to the casita. She was huge for a wild-caught wolf-spider.

I chose this picture for a few reasons: One, you can see that she is missing one of her front legs and the wound looks fairly fresh. Poor thing. You can see her two big forward-facing eyes that sit over a row of four smaller eyes, but you can also see in the dark spots behind her forward-facing eyes, that she has two more eyes on her back. So cool.

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