Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Kind Of Punishment

Done Deal?
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa

I took this crappy cell phone photo about a week ago through my dirty, dirty windshield while at a stoplight. That's a grubby van that was painted forest green by some old hippie (probably the same old hippie who was driving the van) with a paintbrush. On the back of the van was a big white square and in the middle of that square was the sentiment you see there: "PRESIDENT PALIN??!!" and below that, a stately "OBAMA."

What do you think? Does Obama have this one in the bag? The only way McCain could win it now would be to steal it, and I doubt he has that kind of sway with the republican national party. It's almost as though they want to see him fail at this point, as a punishment for something.

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