Sunday, November 23, 2008


Pulpo Embroidery

There's a crappy cell phone photo of one of my current embroidery projects: A green pulpo in progress. (You can see all my messed up attempts to draw its tentacles with the fabric pen.) I have nearly completed two other projects in the last couple of days, but they're Christmas presents, so I'm keeping them under wraps. And speaking of Christmas presents, Rudy had this to say in regards to my recent spate of needlecraft:
I still want a store bought gift. Ha.
To which I of course replied:
Store bought gift? Ha. You'll get your table runner embroidered with duckies and YOU'LL LIKE IT.
Though I have been checking out those Ped Eggs cheese graters for feet, so if you want one of those, I'd be happy to oblige.

Not So Much: Today's Tidbits

Dave is off on a business trip for two and a half days, to Eagan, Minnesota. I got to help him pack. I love packing suitcases. Seriously. I'm a suitcase-packing savant. Dave is not one to travel light, so packing for him is a challenge. So that was my fun today, packing Dave's suitcase. Wait'll he finds out I left out his underwear and toothbrush. Hee-hee. (Just kidding. I wouldn't do that.)

Today my diet consisted almost solely of cake and coffee. About six pieces of cake and about six cups of coffee and--oh! I almost forgot that I have a bag of potato chips in my cabinet. (What? Potatoes are a vegetable.) I also ate a half of a roast chicken. I swear, I'm on the Marie Antoinette diet: cake, coffee, roast chicken. I threw the bones to the peasants while asking why they just didn't eat cake. So it's all good.

Just before Dave left, he was sitting outside doing some personal grooming stuff and I was sitting inside, and then there appeared at the window a great big bird's great big tail feathers. A roadrunner--a big, young one--was sitting up on the windowsill. He (?) looked like he was trying to get at the peanuts in the feeder but when he couldn't figure out a way, he jumped down and ran off. Man, I love roadrunners. They're just so wild and primitive, like feathered dinosaurs.


Anonymous said...

Dude! I love should write a diet book and go on Opree. I'd buy the Marie Antoinette Diet Book. And then you can put the heel-cheese-grater shavings on top of your nachos for a healthy before-bed snack.

Rosa said...

I'm afraid the heel-cheese grater shavings don't melt well. They're better on pasta than on nachos, I think!