Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quirky, Strange, Or Just Plain Weird

Nothing about me seems weird or strange--to me.

Let me explain that.

Recently, one o' them meme-thingies has been going around the blogs I read where you have to tell weird or strange or quirky things about yourself. I thought and thought about what is weird or strange or quirky about me and I couldn't come up with anything because the stuff I do is all perfectly normal to me. I just don't seem weird to me. So I turned to Dave for his opinion. I asked him what was weird or quirky about me and he whipped out a list that he's been keeping for years apparently.

Here is a selection from that list:

I will often eat foods that I don't like. I do this for two reasons: The first reason is because I always want to figure out why I don't like what I don't like. The second reason is because I am of the mind that all foods that I don't like are an acquired taste. Don't laugh; I learned to love natto this way.

I don't cut my hair for long periods of time, then I hack off, like, a foot or more of hair at once.
I don't think it's so unusual for women to do this. (Kelly First used to do it, too. When I met her, she had really, really long hair that she hacked off really, really short one day. When I saw her, I was actually speechless.)

(Just as a hair-related aside: I used to wear my hair so short that I didn't even own a comb. There was no point to it! Those were some good hair years.)

I will often walk on landscaping. See, I live in a desert city, where water is scarce and, in my opinion, wasting water is immoral. Landscaping wastes water, so I don't like landscaping. Wait. Let me clarify: I don't think all landscaping is a waste of water. For example, if a commercial building has a nice place with plants where people can sit and read or eat their lunch, then that is landscaping that I agree with and I leave it alone. But if there is, say, grass around a building where people can't access it or if there are, say, trees planted in parking lot medians, I don't agree with that. If I don't agree with landscaping, then I walk all over it in protest.

That said, I would never walk on someone's private landscaped yard or on someone's garden, only on commercial landscaping. I will also never walk on flowers. Those are the rules.

When in public, I will often use men's restrooms if women's restrooms are full or in use. Like tonight, I was at S'bux getting a soy latte and I needed the restroom. They have those tiny restrooms, too, so only one person at a time can use them, right? Since the women's room was being used, I just went into the men's room. No problem. But I don't restrict myself to "single" restrooms, I've used the men's room when there are rows and rows of stalls and urinals, like at the mall. That caused great consternation among the men who came in after me. (Too bad.) I'm a huge fan of unisex, single room public restrooms.

So, what's the verdict? Quirky? Strange? Weird?


Gina said...

Good morning, and I personally think you are normal. But I did like that Dave had a list though, ha ha ha! I think my husband probably has a list about me too. Ha ha ha. : )

PS, ladies restroom lines are always a mile long and the wait time is forever. Do men just pee faster or??? : D

Rosa said...

Ha ha! Thanks for that, Gina! Sometimes I worry that I'm not normal--and sometimes I worry that I AM normal!

Hmmm...I wonder if men do pee faster than women. I am tempted to Google it--but I'm afraid of what I'll come up with!

Anonymous said...

You are normal, I do things which are quirky and what might seem strange to others but I think I am just picky or take time to reflect things more than others.. like I always gargle even with out (keep colds at bay), I can not eat at Vikings because I am paranoid and won't drink after my own parents or husband.. rarely... I even prefer my own toothpaste..

Me too on the foodies and Natto, it is an acquired taste and I don't give up, I keep trying and trying.. but one thing I could not muster.. yet is dark meat..

Rosa said...

Hi, Girl Japan! Now I'm worried about Vikings--haha!

And I know what you mean about shared toiletries like toothpaste. (I did once have a coworker ask me on an overnight trip if she could borrow my deodorant!! I was, like, uh...NO.)

All our quirks and eccentricities make us all so interesting, individual, and unique, no?

Gina said...

Sharing deodorant is just wrong! Ha ha ha, especially if we are talking a roll on or a stick. : P

Once a friend of mine asked me if I had an extra swimsuit she could borrow. I didn't thank god. I know, I know... I coulda rewashed but, I just don't like the idea of sharing an undergarment where my private hoohah's are anywhere near anyone else's private hoohah's. : )

And yes it's our little eccentricities that make us all unique. : )

One of my weird things is....I do not like fat on my meat. Don't ask me why, I admit I am almost freak like the way I avoid fat on meat. Ha ha ha. And I need my meat 100% well done. No medium for me. And I actually went a whole 1-2 years without eating ground beef. Even now, I am really weird when it comes to ground beef.

Rosa said...

It was a stick. I think she used it anyway when I went out. (O_o)

I've noticed that you and your boys eat leaner cuts of meat, Gina! (And that your hubby seems to like the full-fat version, too!)

I LOVE fat on meat. Sometimes I cut it off when everyone is looking--then I sneaky eat it when they aren't paying attention. ;)

Tigermama said...

Hi Rosa!

I would say you are normal. Using the men`s washroom is practical (I do it too!), cutting your hair off makes sense, standing up for your beliefs through a little "stomping protest" seems like a good way to make a point. The only thing here that I would label "quirky" is #1 and that`s just because I can`t imagine doing such a thing! ;) :)

Rosa said...

"Stomping protest"! I love it. I'm using that from now on when people ask me what I'm doing as I cruise over the landscaping. :)