Sigh. My niece is all of nineteen. I know I was just as stupid at that age, but I don't think I was quite so naive.
What was I doing at nineteen? Well, let's see. I had graduated from high school three years before. Like my niece, I was taking classes at the community college. Fyodor Dostoyevsky and I were about to make each other's acquaintance and I was about a semester away from getting battered--smashed nearly to pieces actually--by a class in Existential philosophy. I had a job--ugh--waiting tables. I had a car too, and on my days off I sometimes hit the road and wandered around the state listening to The Police's Zenyatta Mondatta and Paul Simon's The Rhythm of the Saints. One of Simon's songs, "She Moves On" was my favorite.
Feel the biteI was so restless then. I thought that restlessness might pass, that I might someday settle, settle down. But turns out that restlessness is an elemental part of my personality. Nothing's changed.
Whenever you believe that
You'll be lost and love will find you
When the road bends
the song ends
She moves on
I'm struggling this week with that restlessness, and with discipline, with my lack of discipline, and I'm wrestling with desires so strong that they are sometimes indistinguishable from addiction. I'm glad, this week, that I don't drink anymore.
This week, I rewarded myself for sticking to my workout schedule by buying a handful of music from iTunes. I bought "She Moves On," of course, and a bunch of The Cure's old stuff, the stuff that reminds me of high school. Not that I wanted to be reminded of high school, but as long as I'm on the subject, I have to tell this story about my high school friend Nikki. You remember her, right? She's the one who I met over the holidays at, of all places, Chuck E. Cheese. Nikki brought her eight-year-old son with her, but her husband had to return to work just after Christmas so he couldn't join us.
As we sat and ate crappy pizza, I remarked on a teacher Nikki had a crush on in high school. She tried everything to seduce him and I never heard how that ended and it's twenty years later so I just asked her, "Didn't you sleep with that guy?" She said she hadn't (which I believe) and that led to a discussion about the people we knew who had slept with their teachers in high school. (Yes, even twenty years ago high school students were sleeping with their teachers and, in some notable cases, with their friends parents.) Nikki was very, very disapproving of this suddenly, remarking on how exploitative those kinds of relationships are. And I? I just barely managed to hold my tongue.
See, here's the thing:
After high school, Nikki went off to college in Virginia and we wrote back and forth occasionally. This was in the days before email (yes, I am old) and our letters were few and far between, so most of the news I got about her was from her mother, who I saw from time to time. In her freshman or sophomore year of college, Nikki met and married Mark. I met Mark once, when he came out to visit her family. Mark was a smart guy, and about a year after they were married, he had a chance to go and study in Germany. Here's where the fun begins. Mark went off to Germany, and Nikki stayed behind to finish up her degree. She was probably about twenty-three or twenty-four by this time and almost finished with her undergraduate degree in art history.
One day she walked into a coffee shop and saw a lithe, little, blond haired fourteen-year-old boy and she fell in love with him. She went home and called Mark long-distance and told him she wanted a divorce. Mark was shocked and he called Nikki's mother and Nikki's mother went to Virginia to make sure that Nikki hadn't gone off the deep end. (This is all what Nikki's mother told me, which means that it's probably worse than it sounds because that's what Nikki told her mother and we all know the editing process that happens between real life and what mom hears about real life.)
Nikki couldn't be disuaded that this fourteen-year-old boy was the love of her life and she actually did divorce Mark and begin to court this little kid. Her grandmother had died not too long before and Nikki had inherited about $10,000 and she used part of that money to buy the kid a new skateboard and an electric guitar and amplifier. Wasn't long before they were sleeping together. He was a freshman in high school, and she dated him all through his high school years. I'm sure you can picture the fourteen-year-old boy with his twenty-four-year-old girlfriend, right? Right. Hardly exploitative.
Very, very shortly after the kid turned eighteen, they were married. He was an eighteen-year-old child groom and she was, by then, a twenty-eight-year-old bride. That was some wedding, let me tell you. About half the guests were barely out of high school--some of them were still in high school--and half the guests were disbelieving mid- to late-twenty-somethings like me.
Two years later, they had their one and only kid, and eight years after that, Nikki was sitting across from me in a booth at Chuck E. Cheese, disgusted by the idea that her eight year old might be six years away from meeting some woman who might want to exploit him, perhaps even sleep with him.
Ah, woman. Thy name is hypocrisy.
And Today Too
Everyday miracles like laundry and satellites.
Rosa.. I was pretty "deer" when I was 19, I Can think of a plethora of hiccups...
Got married (opps) that lasted .. um 2 years till I realized we had different goals in life (should have figured that out before)... ah but all we can do is allow the tweens to make their mistakes... sometimes I just want to cringe...
I had crush on a teacher once... so I forgot to wear knickers under my dress once and did the "Sharon Stone" leg cross... nothing happened.. I had a friend that had a HUGE crush on my father....
I'm married and settled down but still restless..
True that, Girl J! My marriage lasted a *single* year--and I was married to the best guy on the planet--but, dude, I didn't use a fourteen year old to rachet myself out of an unhappy marriage, yanno? Yikes!
I think restlessness has degrees, like a continuum--or is like a wave function. These days my restlessness, on a scale from one to ten, is about a fifty. It's like, pack your bags in the middle of the night and run away kind of restlessness....
Excellent post, I loved this whole story. But my question she still married to him? I know you said her husband was working and couldn't be there at Chuckie Cheese's. But was that the once 14 year old husband. Husband #2?
Also, what happened to Mark, her original husband. Now you got me curious. : )
Can you believe it? They *are* still married after ten years. She is the *only* woman he's ever dated or--ahem!--been with (as far as she knows). She told me that she has not been exactly faithful though, so...but I don't think he knows that.
I wish I knew what happened to Mark! He was such a funny, cool guy. The story gets better when it comes to him. He and Nikki decided that they didn't want children (!) and she didn't want to use birth control, so he had a vasectomy. When he was 23! Now she's got a kid--and he can't even if he wants to.
Oh my gosh.. I missed the 14year old part.. EEEK! derrr.. He was 14 or she was?
She met him when she was twenty-four and he was fourteen. How nuts is that? I was, like, where were his parents?? But in fact, his parents were, all, whatever.
Mark had a vasectomy for her?! He must have really loved her to ungo such a thing.: ( And she's been cheating on the real love of her life too? Meaning the once 14 year old.
I bet you were just biting your tongue at Chuckie Cheese's huh? :D
Oh yeah, can't Mark undo the vasectomy?
I love your stories. Keep them coming please. :D What have you been up to?
Hi, Gina! Man, it's been a dull dull dull week! Nothin' to write about!
I hear it's hard to undo those things (vasectomies)--but, poor Mark, I have to laugh thinking about asking him (since I've only met him once!), "Don't you want to undo your vasectomy?" Can you imagine? He'd be, all, "DO I KNOW YOU????!!"
And I'd have to say, "Uh, no. Your ex-wife told me everything though!"
Now I feel guilty for putting poor Nikki's story online! I don't usually gossip like that...Really!!!
How's the first week of both boys in school? Are you dead tired now?
Don't feel guilty. But for what it's worth, I have blogged stuff that I have reread years later of my own stuff and I stupid I was or....why did I say this or that. I literally almost gong myself! Your stuff is good, my old stuff makes me cringe. : )
This week has been exhausting. I haven't screwed anything up. BUT I haven't got my groove with handling both their schedules. I sorta felt *off* all week.
And then...found out my BIL and SIL will be in Guam same time as us. And then they invited MIL, which sorta sent my spinning silently though for a bit. Now...MIL is not coming (thank god) but's been such a crazy week. Even today...I started putting pics up for a's only half done now. Maybe tomorrow I will get it up. I think I am just tired. Yup, I'm fried.: )
This juggling 2 kids and their schools thing is really kicking my butt big time. Sigh.
Yeah, I think I need a vacation.
By the way, I love all your quotes on the right hand side. And I have to tell you....The class I met Noboru was a Philosophy class. That neither of us wanted to take, but it was like part of the core classes. As part of the social science credit or whatever. Anyway....My final was a report on Soren Kierkegaard. Everytime I come to your blog, that quote always pops out to me. I think it was because of that report. Ha ha ha. : ) But my fave quote you have up is...."ninety percent of everything is crap", oh god I love that quote! Ha ha ha. 1;12 am here, going to sleep and just glad it's the weekend. Yay.
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