I could not sleep for anything last night. I finally dozed off about five a.m., got up a couple of hours later, and I feel like a zombie today despite about seven very, very large cups of coffee.
Viggo Beat
Roger Ebert--yes, the movie reviewer--writing about William Faulkner:
I was reminded of a story about William Faulkner, who spent a semester as a writer in residence at a famous university. He was asked by a pal, "What do you do?" His reply: "I walk across the campus twice a day so the students can say, 'There he goes.'"That's from a movie review, but I don't remember which one. I was on Ebert's review website looking for a Viggo Mortensen movie review. It was a movie called Good, if you must know. It came out late last year and sunk like a rock. The New York Times review begins thusly:
In “Good,” the anemic screen adaptation of C. P. Taylor’s play about a respectable “good German” who passively acquiesces to Hitler’s agenda, Viggo Mortensen, miscast and ineptly directed by Vicente Amorim, plays John Halder, a liberal, mild-mannered literature professor who becomes a Nazi.And it goes downhill from there. Sorry about your Oscar chances, Viggo.
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