Monday, February 2, 2009


Ah, yes, so I pulled out the bit about the birthday party because my friend, the father of the birthday boy, used to sometimes read my blog. Enough said. If you missed it, here's a recap, much edited: We had fun at the party and I am a bitter old spinster.

Confidential to Girl Japan: I got your comment, agreed heartily, and then accidentally deleted it. G.D. blogger, putting the publish and delete buttons right next to each other. (I blame blogger.)

Green Card Cupcake

So here's some good news: Last week, Sergei the pastry-addicted Belorussian got his permanent resident visa!

And Kelly Workout and I breathed a sigh of relief because now we don't have to draw straws to see who has to marry him so he can stay in the US. Dave says that Sergei went around the office very proudly showing off his green card (which is not green, by the way), saying in reference to how much the immigration lawyers took him for, "This is a $30,000 card!"

Because I am awesome, I had the idea to make him some green cupcakes to celebrate his green card, so after the party I came home and baked. (Easy now, it was from a mix.) Dave will take the cupcakes in with him to work tomorrow.

Dave and I each ate a cupcake and now I feel all nutso from the sugar.

That was Sunday.


Anonymous said...

haha! OH yes, we don't want Daddy Dearest reading that! haah No worries Rosa "wink"!

Rosa said...

I'm glad you're not offended. It really was an accidental deleting. :(

And I agreed with everything you said so I at least wanted to archive it for me to refer to...

Gina said...

Glad he got his green card!!! And very nice of you to bake him some green cupcakes, that was very cool of you.

Rosa said...

Yeah, he's glad, too! He was going to have to go back in Feb. if his visa didn't go through. After nine years of living in the US, he didn't want to leave of course! Now, if only he can hang on to his job in this economy, he'll be fine.