Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Random Flotsam

Scienticians Agree

So I just learned about this thing called nonribosomal peptide synthesis. Have you heard about this? It's amazing. It's an amazing world that we live in.

Nonribosomal peptide synthesis produces secondary metabolites...and, I know, you're still trying to wrap your head around ribosomal peptide synthesis, but this is pretty cool. It's almost like the protein-synthesis equivalent of having a roomba instead of a vacuum cleaner.

Turns out that there are several ways to synthesize peptides without using ribosomes, which is awesome. Seriously.

Dream Police

I had a dream tonight in which I saw myself. That is very unusual for me. I am always myself in my dreams. In the dream, I was swimming in an indoor pool. It was dark. I swam the length of the pool using a backstroke, then turned and swam back using a modified breaststroke. When I turned to do the breaststroke, I saw myself swimming away from myself.


I am the tiredest.

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