Sunday, May 3, 2009

The New Chicken

When I opened up Lewie's food bin to feed him dinner, there was this:


What does it say?


It says: You may give this to Lewie. Take care throwing it as I fear you have a wicked arm!

What is this little thing?


A chicken! A new chicken for Lewie!


He was very excited and wanted to play with it right away. He ran outside and waited for me to come out so we could play fetch. Lewie's good at fetching things.


He doesn't like it when you step on his chicken. So don't step on his chicken, alright?

This is one round of fetch with Lewie:


Gina said...

Is Lewie part Red Heeler? He looks like a red heeler or Aussie cattle dog.

Have you been throwing the chicken? : )

Rosa said...

He's actually a blue(?) heeler. They're the craziest dogs ever. Really smart and high energy. Give me a lazy dog any day!

I do throw the chicken around to play fetch! Poor Lewie's kind of old, though...bad he can't do too much running around.