Today was one of those long short days. Today was mostly laundry-doing and a trip to Costco. I ate Costco pizza for dinner, a big, grease-dripping slice of pepperoni pizza, with a diet Coke chaser. I ate edamame and macaroni and cheese for lunch. I ate edamame and tortillas for breakfast. I had edamame for a snack. (Thank you, Costco, for the great deal on edamame.)
I did not, yet again, go to the gym.
I sat in the hot tub instead. It was early afternoon and still too hot to sit in the hot tub.
I mopped the kitchen floor.
I drank a goddamned lot of fruit punch-flavored Crystal Light, a gallon easily, and I watched part of a movie on netflix that made me really sad so I had to turn it off. The movie was a documentary called Tell Them Who You Are. Here's a review. The documentary was made by a man whose father was a famous and famously celebrated cinematographer. The son is also a filmmaker. The father is awful, a bully, narcissistic, disrespectful. The son is the exact opposite. The father, now 80 years old, is dancing like mad to try to form a relationship with his son before it's too late. The son is understandably wary. He's seen how his father treated his mother, cheating on her and then abandoning her. He doesn't trust his father and he has no reason to.
Look, about the father: I'm not saying that people don't deserve forgiveness. They do. But being on the receiving end of forgiveness doesn't mean that you are absolved of all the consequences of your actions. Being forgiven doesn't equal your getting to keep on being an awful, bullying, disrespectful narcissist.
The whole thing made me feel sad and disgusted, so I turned it off and watched a rerun of 30 Rock.
Tina Fey, make me laugh!
Then I ate more edamame and drank more Crystal Light, and now it's time for some internet surfing.
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