Sunday, April 18, 2010


Before I went to the studio today, Dave and I went to the botanical garden. It was early in the day and not hot. We brought our cameras and took pictures.

We saw a lot of things, pansies and poppies and giant cockroaches and a bird-eating tarantula that was about six inches long with an abdomen the size of a golf ball. I love spiders, especially very large spiders, and this spider was enormous, almost dreamlike in size. The bored-looking docent at the exhibit said, "She's not full grown either." I asked how big she would get and the docent said, "Her legs will span a medium pizza." I walked away thinking, would it not have been impressive enough to just say how big in inches?

We took lots of pictures

The botanical garden and the aquarium are right next to each other. Kids understandably want to see the aquarium but it seemed that some parents were intent on forcing them to see building character at the botanical garden. One little girl, perhaps all of four years old, stood it as long as she could but finally broke down in the Japanese gardens and screamed, "I hate this place! I hate this place! I hate this place!" loudly enough that you could hear her all over the garden. (Good job, parents! She's gonna love coming to the botanical gardens next time!)

Then we went and had lunch at Dion's. We shared a medium pizza and a salad.

After, I went to the studio.

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