Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I've had the lyrics to that Beatles song "She Said She Said" in my head all day. (She said, I know what it's like to be dead. I know what it's like to be sad. I said, who put all these things in your head?) When I tried to go onto iTunes to buy the song, I found that iTunes doesn't have any Beatles songs that aren't done by some Beatles cover band. What in the hell is that about, iTunes? I guess I have to go buy the CD from Amazon.

Anyway, I got a new ring.

It's actually just a seashell with a ring-sized hole drilled in it.  It sits up pretty high on my finger, which oddly, I love. 

I usually don't wear rings because I once read an article, complete with pictures, about ring avulsion. (I will warn you that clicking on that link, complete with pictures, might give you nightmares. It's kept me from wearing rings for over a decade.) Ring avulsion happens when people "catch their wedding band or other finger ring on moving machinery or on a protrusion from a surface as they jump or move away from it. The sudden pull on the ring may result in a small wound, a circumferential wound, or an amputation." Sounds so reasonable, but do not go look at the pictures. They're disturbing.

I've also been working lots at the studio. Here's some stuff in the works:

This is a little calavera girl with flowers, on a small square plate. I can tell you right now that this one is going to warp.

And I'm working on another diablito plate. I will tell you a secret: These diablo plates are often based on modern movie stars. The first one I did was modeled after Viggo Mortenson. And this one? This one has a very distinct Brad Pitt look around the chin. See it?

Here's another secret about these plates: I'm too superstitious to bring any of them home. Every single one of them is still at the studio.

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