Friday, June 26, 2015

Sunflowers and Snapdragons and Kitties, Oh My!

The first sunflower of the season popped open in the garden while I was looking the other way. I noticed its sunny face peeking over the fence day before yesterday. It's a bright, happy orange-ish yellow, fading to a deeper red color nearest the center, the product of two different kinds of sunflowers cross-pollinating two or more years ago.

I've pretty much given over a large chunk of the garden to sunflowers. I had vowed to treat them as weeds when the first volunteers started to sprout, but then I didn't have the heart to mow them down. It's not as though we need the garden to feed ourselves through the winter, and the sunflowers make me happy. So they've stayed.

I also noticed that the snapdragons have begun popping open, too. The first one on the patio to bloom is a bright, happy yellow, same as the sunflowers. We've had blooms of one sort or another for a few months now, but I like the snapdragons especially.

The cats and I have been enjoying the patio very much.

A couple of weeks ago, we brought home a cardboard produce box from Costco (filled with stuff, that we then emptied out). When Dave went to put it in the recycle bin, I told him that Saba would probably like to sit in it for awhile first. He put the box down and she came over and sat in it. It was kind of a big box, so I moved it out onto the patio, under one of the chairs so that it would be shaded somewhat. She started going out and sleeping in the box for hours at a time. Then one day I looked out the window and Gray Kitty was sleeping in the box. They wouldn't be caught dead in there together, so I don't know how they manage to take turns. (Or maybe they don't, because the other day Saba came in with a new scratch on her nose and Gray Kitty had a few fresh scars on one of his shoulders).

Yes, I have been reduced to writing about my cats' skirmishes. Sorry about that. It's been an otherwise quiet week around here.

There is some exciting stuff coming up though. Possibly.

ETA: Great news! The Supreme Court ruled this morning that marriage equality is now the law of the land. Praise be.


Helen said...

Garden posts make me happy and jealous!

And yay about marriage equality!

Rosa said...

We're only 10 years behind Canada on marriage equality! (If you still consider yourself a Canadian after 20 years in Japan.) But we are probably more than 10 years ahead of Japan...Ay yi yi!

I should post some pictures of my garden; you would not be jealous at all after seeing them. It's a tangled mess of weeds, sunflowers, choke cherries (which I'm allergic to and can't touch--found that out the hard way!), and a few tomato plants struggling bravely! But it does make me happy!

Hope you're having a great weekend, Helen!

Helen said...

I consider myself EXTRA-Canadian after 18 years in Japan ;-)

My sister and I have had arguments about whether I should take on Japanese citizenship or not....since Japan doesn't allow dual nationalities I won't consider it, she thinks I'm crazy.

But gardens are great....even bad ones have potential! I don't know choke cherries....sorry.

Thanks...I hope I have a great weekend too....and of course, back at you :-)