Monday, August 31, 2015

Mucho Busy Monday

Dave and I just got home a bit ago.

It was kind of a busy day. Dave was off at work all day, of course, and I had a bit of play time in the afternoon so Judi and I went downtown to see Trainwreck, the Amy Schumer/Judd Apatow movie. I like Amy Schumer and Bill Hader, so I liked the movie, but it was a bit overlong for a romantic comedy. We sat down at 1:45, watched four previews and the movie, and left the theater a bit after 4:00!

I was glad that I had had a small buttered popcorn and a Starbucks latte for my late lunch.

After the movie, I hit the co-op and picked up a few things, including something from the deli (red chile enchiladas, Spanish rice, and a brownie) for an early dinner. We were starting with a personal trainer tonight and I didn't want to show up for a workout on an empty stomach.

Dave was home around 5:00 and we changed clothes and headed out the door. On the way out, we stopped to chat with Kelly and I found out that, oops, I accidentally signed up for a 16 week lab class and a 12-week lecture class. So that should be fun. 

Anyway, we got to the gym around 5:25--there was a bit of excitement with a fire truck and an ambulance parked at the entrance that left soon after we arrived, never a good omen--and after Judi arrived, we went in and met our new trainer.

I will say that he seems like a nice guy, but like a lot of trainers, he's not exactly working as a personal trainer while he waits for his spot at MIT to open up. But like I said, he is nice, and any trainer at all is going to do us some good, we're so out of shape.

But poor Judi! She probably eats around 600 calories on most days and she's used to powering through her (generally sedentary) day on very little food, so the workout, wimpy as it was, felled her. She felt sick and dizzy and had to sit down through a big chunk of it. The trainer kept trying to tell her that if she were to take in some some sugar she would feel better. He offered her juice but she refused. She insisted that she didn't need sugar, she was just overheated.

Finally I sent Dave in to the office where they have drinks and protein bars for sale to get her something. (I knew that all she had eaten all day was a cup of coffee (her usual breakfast) and some popcorn and a soda at the movies, which she had told me counted as her lunch and dinner.) Dave came back with a bottle of Gatorade. She insisted that she didn't need it, but five minutes after swallowing a few mouthfuls, she felt better, and I noticed that she finished the entire bottle by the end of the workout.

The trainer told her that from now on, she has to eat something before the workout, either a Poptart or an apple with peanut butter, and bring some juice and water with her to keep her energy levels up.

I remember once, back when I was hardcore dieting and wearing a size 4, telling Judi that I had been tempted to throw up a "bad" (ie, high calorie) meal that I had eaten the night before. (I didn't, but only because I am completely incapable of making myself throw up without the help of a virus or food poisoning.) Judi told me that she does that 4-5 times a year, binges on some food that she loves but doesn't normally allow herself to eat (usually it's popcorn and brownies), then she throws it all up.

Purging is just another weapon in a lifetime-skinny chick's arsenal, I suppose. (This is why I'll never be skinny.)

Anyway, we'll see the new trainer again tomorrow and then 3-4 times a week for the rest of the month.

After today's training hour was over we headed over to the studio and unloaded the kiln we fired yesterday. Four finished pieces came out, all the usual suspects, so I should have some pictures soon. 

We sat and chatted with Judi and petted Crunch for awhile before coming home to make dinner. I had already had my dinner, but I made a veggie cheeseburger for Dave and sat with him while he ate. I did have a few of the Snap Pea Crisps I bought to serve on the side and one of the very yummy white peaches we picked up a few days ago.

Now it's clarinet practice o'clock and I'm ready to do some hardcore internet surfing.

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