Saturday, October 10, 2015

Organ Recital

It's been almost a week since I had anything to say. Not much has been going on, seems like, just a series of ridiculous health-related things that have made me feel like I'm falling apart.

On Monday last week, I did something stupid at the gym that made me feel like I had torn a muscle in my left arm. That made it useless for several days. I had to put a pillow under it and my shoulder just so I could sleep, otherwise the pain kept me awake. It got so bad that I even took ibuprofen, something that I avoid doing because it knocks me out, rendering me completely horizontal for hours.

A few days after that, I somehow screwed up my right knee so that I was hobbling around for about two days. I'm not sure how that happened, although I think I twisted it doing the mildest hip stretches imaginable. The same day I also jammed a finger on my left hand and that's still swollen up so that it hurts to even wash my hands.

Yesterday, I also got seven mosquito bites or some kind of insect bite, including two on my face that made my upper lip and left eye swell up so much that I downed a handful of benadryl to try to reduce the swelling. After loading up on benadryl, of course I ended up sleeping for about 18 hours.

In fact, I've been sleeping a lot. I assume, because I woke up with a sore throat a few days ago, that I've been fighting off a cold or whatever is going around the gym. That's always how it goes. I start to get sick so I go straight to bed to sleep it off. If I can devote every bit of energy to sleep, I can avoid getting sick. If I force myself to power through awake, I will get sick every time. This time I just gave in and slept.

In amongst all my little maladies, I've been going to class and going out to dinner. I don't think I've cooked in a week or more, which is not doing my diet any good. I've put on over 10 pounds since I started working out. Some of it is muscle, yes, but some of it is that we are just eating meal after meal in restaurants. Not good.

Anyway, we had dinner (Chinese) with my brother last week. I had breakfast at IHOP with my mother on Friday. And then Friday night we had dim sum with Chris and Lu Ann.

Dave went off this morning (after going out to pick up breakfast burritos) to do some raku firings with our friend Kai. I stayed home thinking I would study, but instead I slept and slept. When Dave got home hours later, he went out for subs and salads for lunch (and picked up a couple of slices of pizza as well for us to have for dinner). I had lunch then went back to bed and slept some more.

I have a big exam coming up and I'm having a hard time getting moving. I've always been a cram type of student--and it always paid off. It's led me into some bad habits, study-wise.

Oh, well.

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