Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Suddenly Something Snaps

Studying, studying. Final is on Thursday. One more full day to review a semester's worth of pathophysiology.

Dave and I went out to dinner in the evening, to our Chinese place for spicy garlic broccoli and kung pao tofu sans peanuts.

At dinner, Dave showed me this pic he took of our little air plant:

Look at that! I wonder if it will self-pollinate.

Then we came home from dinner via the fizzy drink store and I went back to studying.

It's 1:40 in the morning and I'm in bed, checking the internet one last time before I turn out the light.

It's poetry month, still! Here's a short one from one of my favorite poets, Russel Edson:

The Academic Sigh
      And as they turned the wheel the professor was getting longer and longer.
      Don’t make me too long, or I’ll look kind of goofy, sighed the professor as he grew longer and longer.

      Suddenly something snaps.
      What happened? sighs the professor from the rack.
      We were just stretching an academic when suddenly something snapped; you may have heard it ...
      Yes, I was there. Don’t you remember? sighs the professor.
      And then we heard an academic sigh ...
      Yes, I heard it, too, sighs the professor, it seemed to come from the rack where I was being stretched beyond my wildest dreams like a piece of chewing gum ...

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