Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Week in Review

It's been a week since I posted anything. It has felt like a long week, let me tell you.

I've had vertigo for the last several days. It comes and goes, but was really horrible over the weekend. All the usual tricks that I have used in the past to get rid of it haven't been working. And then sometime yesterday, my right ear started aching. So I don't wonder if the dizziness isn't related to an ear infection. Which, lovely, right? Couple that with a severe bout of PMS and I spent most of the weekend in bed, watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, the post-Elliot Stabler episodes (which are amazing--so amazing that I have to be careful not to run too many of the together because that is letting too much darkness in at once).

Dave and I fit in a run to Target in the midst of all that, where he snapped this photo:
Adult Favorites
"Adult Favorites" indeed.

We came home with our smallest Target haul yet, only $27 worth of stuff. A $27 visit to Target is unheard of. Maybe I ought to shop with vertigo more often because I certainly didn't feel like browsing when I was trying to hang onto the cart to keep the store from spinning.

We didn't do anything in particular on the 4th of July.

On the 3rd of July we went to the studio, though, and I worked for a bit on some of the pieces that came out of the last cone 3 kiln we fired. They are spooky in the making, some of them.]
That is a little 2 1/2 inch skull with its eyes painted over with Gerstley borate to make them go glossy in the next firing.

Oh, and let's see: I got a mass email from my pathophysiology instructor informing the class that the exam average was a 93.1 and that there were 10 people (almost 1/4 of the class) who scored over 100%.  It includes the 14 points of extra credit he put on the exam, which meant that you could get a solid C (76%) and still bring it up to an A (90%) with extra credit. All that is very ridiculous, of course.


Carol said...

LOLed loudly about "adult favorites" - yes we need regularity!
We hardly did anything this weekend, and felt somewhat
guilty about it

Rosa said...

Hey Carol!

Seems like that is what adulthood is all about some days. Me and my All Bran!

Some weekends are meant to be lazy weekends, no matter how many weeds and snails are colonizing the garden. :D