Sunday, May 7, 2017

Week One

I don't think it's really a ghost, but there have been some lights turned on that I know I didn't turn on and that the dogs didn't turn on. And then yesterday, when I got up to feed the dogs their breakfast, the trashcan was pulled out from under the sink and I didn't do it and I don't think the dogs did either.

And speaking of the dogs, one of them is so high strung that a reflection of light on the wall will get her barking madly, so I think they'd react to something if there were something to react to. But they don't, or haven't, so I don't really think it's a ghost.  Maybe I'm sleepwalking. (I've done it before, but not, I think, since I was a child.)

Anyway, there is that.

So I start school in the morning, which means a long afternoon of getting things ready for starting school tomorrow. I have to get my scrubs sorted. (I hate ironing, so I bought a steamer and I need to see how it works.) I have to get my book bag in order. I have a bunch of things. SIGH. I also have to finish looking over the material we'll be covering in the next week, something that I've been putting off because I resent having my vacation time impinged on. (That will probably come back to bite me in the ass sooner rather than later.)

I wrote that a week ago.

School did start and I was immediately buried under a mountain of work.

That is my reading list for next week written out on two Post-It notes in my bullet journal. Don't bother to count the chapters. There are fourteen of them. Two a day, half of them pharmacology. Beyond that, I have homework assignments and a slew of online quizzes. And I have lectures to attend. In another week, clinicals begin and those will eat up two whole days of my week.

All I have to do is hang on for another thirteen weeks and then it will be over. I get another two weeks break and then it begins again. And again. And again. And again. And then I will be done.

So I spent the day studying--still trying to catch up from last week's readings and homework and so on--though Dave and I did break for a Japanese lunch. I've been eating fish again, suddenly, after more than a decade. I started with salmon and recently branched out to tuna, raw, on soba or rice. So that's what I had today for lunch.

After, we came home and I went back to the books.

This thing is happening recently where I am exhausted all day and then, when I get into bed, I can't sleep. I got about five hours of sleep last night--from just after one, until just before six. And now it is one a.m. again and I can't sleep, even with the diphenhydramine that I took.

I'm watching The Imitation Game. It's not great, but it is interesting. Maybe I need to watch something less interesting that will put me to sleep.


Helen said...

Hmm...sounds like a ghost! Maybe!

I liked The Imitation Game too, thought it was a bit sad though.

My mum always said fish is brain food, so maybe you need the boost?!!! Your reading schedule looks daunting, but I'm sure you can do it.

Have a good week!

Rosa said...

Hi, Helen!

Ayyyyiiiiii!!! The last thing I need is a ghost--unless it can do my homework.

I must need the boost from fish! My brain is way overtaxed at the moment and will be for the next couple of months. But it will all be worth it in the end, right?

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!

Carol said...

Just checking in to see how you're doing!