Friday, June 9, 2017

The Week In Review

I pass this mural on my way home from school most days. Sometimes I remember to look at it. I miss public transportation.

It's Friday, the end of the 6th week of the program I'm in. Nine more weeks then I get a month break. Of course, the last day of the term is on my birthday. That will be a good gift.

I am so exhausted. I think allergies have gotten to me. My dropping vitamin B and D levels have gotten to me. The six hours of sleep I'm getting a night have gotten to me. PMS has gotten to me. I'm very, very behind on my schoolwork. And I'm sick and tired of the same faces in the same classes. I'm getting burnt out.

But it's Friday.

My week?

I spent three days fighting with student services and the IT department at the university over my email account which was apparently suspended in January despite my being able to use my password to check it and the general notices--and nothing else--were getting through.

To make things more confusing, I have three email accounts associated with my schooling--one from the local community college, one from the university, and one from the health sciences center of the university. It was the one from the health sciences center that was suspended and it caused me a lot of headache because it meant that I (and, it turns out many other students) were missing key emails that the college I attend only sends out to that account.

I spent hours on the phone with the IT department, who didn't know how to fix the problem, and I sent email after email to the student service contact who didn't even know that the problem was a problem. Turns out I was the canary in the coal mine; apparently hundreds (potentially thousands) of students associated with the health-sciences center are affected by this problem that student services had no idea about.

So that was fun.

Tuesday Dave and I had a singing/voice lesson. I think I mentioned we were doing that--? Anyway, we are taking singing/voice lessons together. The last couple of lessons have been about breathing exercises and scales and such, but this week we sang our first song, Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind." Not my favorite song, but it was fun to sing it together. Dave and I have very different singing styles. He does a kind of talk-singing, like William Shatner.

Click at your own risk, that link.

Saba went to the ophthalmologist on Thursday and her remaining eye, the one with the graft, is looking great. So that was a bright spot in the week. She may also be able to go off the anti-fungal medication she's been on for the last 6 months. That would be great since it makes her sick to her stomach. Anyway, we're waiting the results of the blood tests they drew blood for on Thursday.

I hung on--barely--through classes this week. We're doing a lot of maternity stuff right now, which is not particularly interesting to me. Everyone wants to play with the babies but me. I'll take a disease process over pregnancy any day. But it's not like I have a choice. Today we practiced massaging the uteri of postpartum mannequins.

After class I dashed home to change clothes then my mother and I went for pedicures. My nails are now a kind of dark denim blue. I didn't bother with a manicure; I'm not allowed to wear fingernail polish unless it's clear or pink and neither is my jam.

It's been hot this week. The daytime temperatures have been climbing into the 90s. Today it was 95 degrees. It's going to climb into the 100s soon. 

The weekend is going to be a slog through respiratory and cardiovascular drugs. I have a huge exam over them on Wednesday. Oh joy.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hello Rosa!
It's been in the 90s here too - a day of reprieve and then another four days of over 90. Ughh.

I think it's so cool you and D are taking singing lessons!
