Thursday, November 16, 2017


The Week (So Far):

Monday I should have studied for an exam on Tuesday but didn't. I didn't even look at the material once. (It's an exam I could retake once before the end of the term and I overheard someone saying not to bother studying because no one passes it the first time anyway.)

Tuesday, I walked in and took the exam and passed with a B. After, I had class. I'm sick of my instructor. A group of students were talking about her in the break room before class and I said, "She's a passive-aggressive clown," and they agreed. I hope that doesn't get back to her. But honestly, I don't care if it does.

Dave and I had a singing lesson in the early evening, then we went out for ramen after, our usual Tuesday night outing.

Wednesday, I did something to my hip that made me suffer. I have no idea what I did, but as I was walking to class, it suddenly felt like someone grabbed my right leg and twisted it backward at the hip. The pain radiated from my hip down the front of my leg and into my knee. I limped to class.

After 36 hours, I am still suffering. I came home from class (it hurt so much that I wasn't sure I was going to be able to walk to my car) and took some ibuprofen and got into bed. I hate taking anything for the pain, but I knew I would not be able to sleep if I didn't. It still hurt when I got up on Thursday morning at 4:30 a.m. to get ready for clinicals, but I was able to function. (I'm limping around now again though.)


It was my last in-hospital clinical day. I sang Beatles songs on the drive to the hospital. (Dave and I practiced Golden Slumbers during our singing lesson on Tuesday.) Dawn was breaking over the mountains when I pulled into the parking lot.

We brought donuts and a thank you card for the staff.

One of my patients was an elderly man who was dissolving, putridly, as we watched. No matter; he was a Trump voter. FOX News blared its propaganda at top volume from the TV in his room. He won't live to make the same mistake again. Good riddance. Don't get me wrong: I liked him well enough. I liked him well enough and I took good care of him and I didn't react to the odors emanating from any putrid part of him, political beliefs included, and good riddance to him and everyone like him.

I got my final evaluation over with early in the day. It was fine. My clinical instructor is a loon, but so what? My grades look good and that's all that matters.

One more day of on-campus clinicals and then I'm done with clinicals for this term. Classes continue until the first week of December, another two and a half weeks. Then this term is done and I have a month off before the next one begins.

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