Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Bits and Pieces

Here we go: Week two of this five week run.

Yesterday I had lecture in the morning and then I had to go to the testing center to take our weekly exam and then after that, instead of coming home and studying, I got into bed and napped and watched episodes of Sex & the City. All day.

It was my brother's birthday. We had taken him to lunch--Italian--on Sunday, but I texted him to wish him a happy birthday and we talked about going to lunch on the weekend.

David came home from work and then had to leave again for an acupuncture appointment, so I got back into bed and watched more Sex & the City. When he came home, I made egg sannies for dinner and then brushed my teeth and went back to bed.

I'm burned out.

This morning, I had accidentally set my alarm for the time I get up on clinical days--4:30--so I just stayed up. I had a cup of coffee and made an egg white omelet for breakfast, which I ate while watching Sex & the City, the one where Carrie kisses Alanis Morissette.

Later this morning, I have an appointment at the doctor's office. I'm seeing the nurse to check my blood pressure. I guess that means I have to leave the house.

I did go and have my blood pressure checked and it is still up. I'm supposed to double my medication (I'm on the lowest dose right now) and see how that works.

I came home, got back into my pajamas and went straight back to Sex and the City, mixing it with half hour bits of Stewart Lee comedy. I like Stewart Lee. I think he is very, very smart and very funny.

And I napped. I had bad dreams about the psych unit. Par for the course, I imagine.

In the afternoon, Dave came home to pick up his guitar and then went off to his lesson. After, we went for ramen, hit up the gas station, and stopped by the co-op to pick up...stuff? Oh, yeah, tuna and organic ice cream bars. 

Now I'm home, back in bed. Four thirty a.m. rolls around pretty quick these days.

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