Sunday, October 13, 2019


I'm mostly over being sick, but it's kind of settled in my chest and there's still some ugly stuff coming up when I cough. But I went to work last night. It was a quiet night generally--I was with the older kids and they tend to go to bed and stay in bed, regardless of the teenage hours they keep outside the hospital--but 'round about 4:00 a.m., I went to help out on another unit and I got cursed out by a tiny, little, grade school-aged girl, which always makes me laugh (which I don't let the kids see). So that was my night. Then I came home around 7:40 and slept a few hours.

When I woke up, I ate, cut my finger badly on the blade from our food processor (which was in the dish drain), bandaged that (it took a long time to stop bleeding) and went back to bed to sleep some more.

When I got up the second time around 1:45, I decided to stay up. I asked David if he would take me to the fabric store to drop off my scissors to be sharpened and adjusted. I had dropped my favored pair of Fiskars on the tile floor and they were messed up. I also have a pair of Ginghers that don't cut very smoothly, so I never used them much. But we'll see what the scissors guy can do with them. While I dropped them off, I also picked up a pair of 8-inch Tula Pink shears: German-grade steel with a gold-plated screw--fancy!. They're very sharp and cut really well, but they're heavier than my other scissors, so not great for doing a lot of cutting. While we were there, Dave picked out some fabric, solids in various shades of blue. (I burned through what was left of my collection of blue fabric while working on the quilt I'm making for him. The backing is mostly blue, but the quilt that is now stalled since Dave wanted the backing and binding to include a Kaffe Fassett purple and pink polka dot print that I only had about half a yard of (not nearly enough) and which I had to order online from a company that doesn't put a lot of emphasis on fast shipping times. So the fabric should be here sometime next week maybe?)

When we came home, I finished quilting the rainbow heart quilt top that I made back in June. After I trimmed it, I lay it on the bed to look and the quilting (rainbow variegated threat in a matchstick layout) then I went back to my sewing table to cut and iron the binding (of rainbow striped fabric). When I turned around:
This. So I made a snack and came and sat down next to him. He's been settled down here now for about an hour. Maybe a little longer. I don't like to disturb him, so I'll wait to put the binding on.

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