Wednesday, November 20, 2019


(Fair warning: I'm fasting now throughout the night so that I can go and take some damn blood tests in the morning.)

I started a new quilt yesterday, a circus-y affair using up the rest of a 10-inch pre-cut pack of brightly colored fabric mixed with the handful of black and white yardage that I have. It will be a "throw" sized quilt, roughly 60 inches by 70 inches. I used the black and white fabrics to make a large chevron pattern that runs the length of the quilt. It's in quilt-able sized pieces right now, since I quilt in sections and then attach the sections, rather than trying to wrangle an entire quilt under my small sewing machine. I have to pair it the pieces with batting and backing and it was there, in that spot of indecision, where I stalled yesterday (that, and feeling exhausted after a night of fragmented sleep).

Dave also had trouble sleeping last night and was tired during the day. He perked up when he got a package from work that included a bunch of ridiculously expensive dried fruit from a place called Manhattan Fruitier. Dried fruit at Manhattan prices meant four small boxes of dried fruit and one box with a handful of cocoa dusted almonds cost the sender (an independent contractor who worked with Dave and his co-workers recently) $70. So that was a fun little gift. The box was nice though. I kept it to put sewing supplies in. (I should have asked what the contractor sent Christopher, our friend who Dave works with. I wonder if he got dried fruit as well.)

We didn't go out to dinner tonight--miracle of all miracles--but we did run to the nearby co-op. (It's taking forever to get out of our neighborhood right now because we are surrounded by major construction so that a once-five minute journey now takes double that time or more.) We didn't buy a lot, but we did have to pick up a case of the decaf instant coffee that we drink (a case sounds like a lot, but it's six jars), some of the protein bars I like to have at work, some sour cream and a few other small things.

Dave was full of dried fruit when dinner came around and so wasn't at all hungry, so I made some guacamole and had that with chips and then ate half of a sugar-free chocolate bar. That was my dinner.

Writing about food is making me hungry.

So I'll write about this Netflix show that I'm into right now: Hello, My Twenties. I mentioned it before. It's a Korean drama about four young women, most of them students, who are sharing a house. It's a really good show, like, really good. The episodes are an hour long each, though, so it's harder for me to binge watch. I can do a max one or one and a half episodes a day. After this, I'll start watching the new season of This Is Us. (I hadn't realized it was back on the air until my therapist told me week before last. It's one of her favorite shows.)

I had a therapy appointment yesterday, too. We meet via Facetime now, since Dave is working and I am mostly not driving (though I have been doing more driving recently!). I think I'm ready to take a break from therapy or to at least slow down the rate at which I see my therapist. Over the last six months, I'd been going between one and three times a week, but now I feel like I'm doing okay. (Winter has it's problems but my psyche being in a horrible place is not the main one.) In therapy I talked a lot about my recent dreams.  (The cranes are back. I had a dream about them last night. There are only two real seasons to the brain: Crane season and hummingbird season.)

Sewing. Dried Fruit. Road construction. Netflix. Therapy and dreams. What else has been going on?

Dave's dad is out of the hospital. Dave called and talked to him today and he sounded fine (I could hear a lot of their conversation because it sounded like he wasn't wearing his hearing aids and HE WAS TALKING LIKE THIS THE WHOLE TIME.) Dave's sister arrived there today to help him out. (Wonder how that will go.)

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