Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Wind Beneath My Wings

It's my night off, the night between my two shifts. I planned it this way, because I hate the feeling of the shifts running together, only separated by twelve hours that might or might not include a scant handful of sleep. So I separate the days that I work and I'm 100% fine with having a night to myself. Sometimes I get extra sleep in there, but a lot of times I read or watch Netflix. I prep my lunch and snacks for my next shift. I look at quilting blogs online. If I don't think it will disturb Dave's sleep too much, I'll sew. (He is similarly conscientious about not disturbing my sleep during the day when he's working.)

I slept today, which was nice. I got up around 4:30 and Dave and I went to pick up takeout for dinner. I have been craving buffalo chicken wings and I have never been to Wingstop, so I went there while Dave crossed the parking lot to the Middle Eastern restaurant that we love so much. I should have gone with Dave, because Wingstop was not great. But now I know and can seek out better wings.

I took a nap after dinner (the equivalent of a mid-morning nap to those who don't keep vampire hours for part of the week). When I got up, I watched an episode of Hello, My Twenties. (Yes, I'm still on that show. The second season is not as good as the first and the 64-70 minute episodes are grueling sometimes, but I'm still liking it.) I read awhile. Then, when Dave went to bed, I got up and took a shower. It's just before one a.m. now and I have about eight hours until bedtime,'s about two in the afternoon for real people? I made a cup of weak decaf coffee to have while I decide what to do with the rest of my night off.

Work news:

Remember how I kept complaining about my coworker Yogi Bear? Well, when I showed up for work on Thursday, his supervisor was working in his place, and I was informed that he "is no longer with the organization." I had something to do with that--and I am perfectly willing to take the karmic hit for it. I think "the organization" and the children who we serve are all better off without him. After he left, people began crawling out of the woodwork with stories about his improprieties, and I was, like, why didn't any of you bring this up before? Anyway, what's done is done and I'm glad it's done.

My night at work was quiet. I was switched at the last minute from the teenagers to the little kids. There's a lot more running around with the little kids, but eventually the techs and I got everyone off to bed. There was a late admission onto my unit and I had to do the barest minimum and put the kid to bed, too. Then I had got my stuff done and then I had some hours to do my stuff that isn't part of my regular duties. I worked on continuing education credits and completed two. (I need 30 hours of continuing education to renew my license next August and I have 23 so far. It's nice because my workplace pays for the credits since we're a teaching hospital, it would be kind of hypocritical if they didn't. It saves me a few hundred dollars a year.)

It was a calm and easy night for which I am grateful, and when I came home, I changed into my pajamas and went right to sleep. Ahhhhhh!

Dave went to lunch with a friend and brought back a pizza. Argh! Over the course of the day--yes, while sleeping--I had three pieces. Whenever I got up to use the bathroom or to have a drink of water, I had a slice of pizza. So by the time I had gotten in a full day's sleep, I had also eaten a third of a pizza. My body gets super confused sometimes about when it is supposed to be asleep and not eating and when it is mealtime, regardless of whether we're sleeping or not. Noon-ish is still lunchtime, even though it's technically in the middle of the night to The Brain, and since being hungry will keep me awake, I usually eat something, a smallish lunch and then go back to bed. Not great for my metabolism, I don't think, but it's better than laying there with a grumbling stomach, not sleeping and not eating.

I also drink a lot during my day's sleep since every time I wake up, I chug some water. I had a liter or so of water over the course of my "night." Then I try to drink another liter of water in the first ninety minutes after I wake up.  (This is especially helpful when I'm working and am not often able to stop and have a drink of water for hours while I am busy. That may be a good thing, since if I'm too busy to drink water, I'm usually also too busy to hit the bathroom.)

I don't know why I'm writing all this out except in some future year, I'll likely read over this and think: What was I doing to myself?

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