Sunday, February 9, 2020


It's been warm enough to have the door open in the afternoons to let some sunlight and fresh air in. Of course, that means other things come in, too, like the wolf spider that I found at the foot of the bed last night, just wandering around. It startled me, as bed spiders tend to do. Otherwise, I don't mind spiders coming in. Dave caught her in a paper cup and put her back outside.

We spent part of the day yesterday in Santa Fe. We had lunch at Harry's Roadhouse (a tostada-ish thing for me and a big plate of vegetables that they call a Buddha bowl, I think, for Dave) then stopped by Kakawa and had drinking chocolate and bought some truffles for Dave (since I'm trying to lay off the sugar, as always). We had planned to stop by the quilt shop I like up there, but I decided in the end to hold off on buying more fabric until I use up some here. I'm pretty much out of storage space for fabric. We did stop at Ulta on the way out of town though, since the Ulta here doesn't sell very much Clinique and they carry an extended selection in Santa Fe. I found a foundation that I like--working nights has turned me a lovely shade of vampire, pale with an almost bluish-green tint--but they didn't have it in stock, just as a sample. (I came home and ordered it online.) I also picked up a backup of some eyebrow products that I like and a lipstick (a cheapie from NYX called "Exotic"--a reddish brown shade, hardly exotic). I also picked up some hair accessories, which I usually stock up on right before I cut my hair (as I am planning to do soon).

We came home in the late afternoon and had some sandwiches for dinner, then I took a nice, long pre-bedtime nap. (I also slept through the night.)

I've been dreaming like crazy. I had a dream that I was sitting on the front lawn of my grandmother's house, watching animals (a cat, a pheasant, two rabbits, a fish), and singing a song to the full moon.

The last time I remember being in my grandmother's front yard was probably over thirty years ago. Everyone was alive then. My family, I mean. That's how long ago it was. My grandmother died almost fifteen years ago. I've been missing her recently. Maybe that's why I've been dreaming of her house.

I was off work last night, taking one of the eight holidays that I racked up between Thanksgiving and New Years. We had until February 8th to take any of the holidays off; the rest will be paid out later this month. That gave me a run of six days off.

Today we slept in (mostly me) and then went out and did some shopping and then some cleaning. We had planned last night to go see a movie at 11:00 (Parasite, which I'm not convinced I really want to see.) But 11:00 came and went while I was still in my pajamas. This evening, we're going to dinner with Judi. I haven't seen her in awhile (not a bad thing, since I've been short tempered with her shenanigans recently and it's best if I stay away when I feel like that). Paul is out of the hospital and back at his assisted living place (why don't we call them nursing homes anymore, I wonder) and maybe later in the week we'll go to visit him.

I keep thinking it's Monday, but it's only Sunday. (C'mon, The Brain, let's enjoy this run of days off and not try to rush things!) The Oscars are tonight, but since the only movie we've seen in months was the new Star Wars, I don't think I'll be watching. I'll check out the results online tomorrow maybe.

It's four now. I have to get in the shower.

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