Friday, May 29, 2020

Don't Read the News. Just Don't

Well, I said I would continue that last entry and then...I just didn't.

Don't Read the News

We are living in strange and horrible times right now. I made the mistake of reading the news earlier tonight. My god. I wish trump would just fucking stroke out. Healthcare providers have been waiting in vain for months for the federal government to step in to help control the corona virus spread and to help provide adequate PPE. trump has been sitting back for months--MONTHS--with his stupid orange baboon dementia smirk and orders the Blue Angels to fly over hospitals as though that were magically going to cure Covid-19 and make the supply of N95s bottomless. (It didn't.) But Twitter slaps a label on one of his lying tweets and it took that fucking orange baboon ONE DAY to sign an executive order trying to get them to heel to his demands.

And as if that weren't enough, a white trump supporting cop was videotaped murdering a black man man and cities are burning and the orange baboon threatens to start shooting black people. Funny how the armed white protesters were fine people, but the Native Americans trying to protect their water were tear gassed and Black and African-Americans trying to keep from getting murdered by police are also being tear gassed and shot at. This is America. This is trump's version of America and every fool who voted for him bears responsibility for it.

Here's a quote from an interview trump gave in 2014: "You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster. Then you’ll have, you know, you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great." He used to sleep with a book of Nazi propaganda by his bed and REPUBLICANS VOTED FOR HIM.

Fuck the willful ignorance of republican voters. And facebook users. Because when it comes time for guillotines, I want to be the one who holds Mark Zuckerberg down under that blade.

In the meantime, the passport office has suspended issuing new passports and passport renewals. I waited for David to make up his mind to get married and sat on my hands because I wanted to get a passport with a white name--Dave's white name instead of my own brown one--on it and that was a huge mistake. I was a fool. Now my expired passport will get me nowhere. I couldn't even cross the border if I had to--although I would just run if it came to that--and if that doesn't scare anyone else but me, then this fucking country deserves to burn.

I Can't. So I Did This Instead:

It's Friday. Today is the day I flip my schedule from days to nights so I can work the weekend.  I like this Saturday/Sunday weekend schedule. It gives me a run of five days off through the week that makes it feel like I almost don't have a job. That would be nice at this point as I'm getting fed up with some of the politics at work. (That's always my downfall in a job, pretty much.)

We did Zoom dinners this week with friends. On Wednesday, we Zoom-met up with Glenn and Kathleen and I made a Greek-ish orzo salad, a beet/apple/fennel slaw, and faux chicken tenders. On Thursday, we Zoom-met up with Chris and Grace and we had some Quorn cheese-filled nuggets (which were a bust) and some faux (vegetarian) fish. This is how we meet up with friends these days. I'm okay with it, but I miss meeting up in restaurants and seeing people face to face.

The rest of the week, I sewed. I made masks to donate and a quilt-as-you-go type strip quilt that stalled over a year ago after I had the whole quilt top with the batting together and then couldn't wrap my brain around how to get the backing on. (I took the seam ripper and ripped it into chunks that I'm quilting to the backing. Then I'll put it all back together with sashing and then bind it.) I ordered more fabric for mask making, about nine yards or so. There is no black cotton fabric to be had. I want to try my hand at sewing scrubs, but my scrubs are black and I checked all the local and the bigger national chains that sell fabric and there is no black fabric. Period. Not for love or money. The elastic used in mask making is starting to come back--it's mostly made in China--but I still can't get some other supplies.

I binge watched things. I watched Pride and Prejudice about eight more times, watched a couple of seasons of Schitt's Creek.

We cooked. A lot. Since we're eating all our meals at home, we made...let's see: The two Zoom dinners. Tacos. Lentil soup. A bunch of grilled cheese sandwiches (inspired by a Bon Appetite video, we have been adding things like kim chee and leftover aloo gobi--two different sandwiches--to our grilled cheeses).

We ordered more groceries. (I miss picking out my own produce and I miss changing things on the fly when the store is out of stock of something.) Whole Foods was out of the bread I like, the Gruyere I ordered, and tomatoes. (So much for cheese sandwiches.) Smiths, the more mainstream grocery store, was out of Quorn chick'n and low-fat ricotta.

We ordered other stuff, too. A big order from Target will come in next week with two Instant Pots (one for my brother, one for me), fabric softener, Oxyclean, and some Seventh Generation cleaner that Dave loves. (We have been trying to order it for awhile, but all cleaning products have had limited availability and our orders keep getting canceled. I finally found the "bathroom cleaner" which has the same exact ingredient list as the regular cleaner and I ordered 3 bottles of it. Target claims it shipped. Fingers crossed it comes in.)

My brother is in a rehab hospital now, doing physical therapy to help increase his strength. He'll be there awhile longer. We still haven't seen him--no visitors in hospitals--but we talked to him a couple of times and we text everyday. He's going to have to radically change his diet to avoid another hospital stay like this one. That's not an easy thing to do. But we'll see.

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