Monday, July 13, 2020


Here it is, summer again. I guess it's been summer, but we've been hit with a heat wave, so there's been a run of days at or above 100 F / 38 C. It's been very hot. We run our cooler throughout the day. At night, the temperature drops by 30 degrees and I sleep under a couple of quilts.

Last night, though, I worked. The temperature didn't drop into the 70s as it tends to do. It stayed in the 80's most of the night and it was hot and humid. Today there was bits of rain here and there and reports of thunder showers.

I slept through much of whatever was going on weatherwise. The first day after a night shift is a wash. I have to sleep and that's the day gone.

I woke up congested. My covid test results were negative, but every little cough or sniffle makes me paranoid. I can't believe how cavalier people are being about this when all around us people are getting sick and dying. I can't even think about it. I stay home, wear my mask when I have to go out, and try to stay safe. Nothing else will bring us through this.

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