Monday, August 17, 2020

Some Kind of Week


I'm sitting here in the casita kitchen again. The AC repair guy is back. After declaring yesterday that there was nothing wrong with the AC unit--even though when we set it to any temperature it wasn't cooling the room lower than 75-77 degrees--he's back to clean the unit (which David did to the extent he was able to prior to our calling the repair guys). So. Maybe it will work? 

But these days I'm out of practice with being hopeful. 

Speaking of being hopeful, I watched Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's speech yesterday and reveled in hearing two people who don't sound like dementia-adled narcissists.

And then, at the end of the speech, my pal Grace stopped by with a bag of snacks--cheesy puffs, potato chips, and mochi rice crackers--from Trader Joe's. The cheesy puffs are already gone, but the potato chips and crackers remain. It's a pandemic: We must have a little something to keep our strength up.

What else? I started a new quilt this morning, a pandemic quilt made with some of the fabric that Dave bought me (whole yards that I cut into fat quarters) and the off-cuts from the masks that I've made since April or May. I've been saving all of them. I turned some into collaged postcards that got sent out to some random pandemic pen pals, but the rest have been sitting in a box for awhile. I pulled them out this morning and began a kind of fabric collage that I glued down on the fat quarters. (I've done two of what will probably end up being ten or twelve.) Just before the repair guy got here, I started to stitch some of them down. After this, I'll layer and quilt them and then piece the whole thing together.

I have two other quilts that are at the point of needing to be sashed and bordered. I have another handful of completed quilt tops that need to be sandwiched and quilted. So of course, why not start another quilt.

While I sorted and glued fabric, I listened to some music. I had been watching Ocean's Twelve--not a great film at all--but that ended. I need some new music in my life, but that can wait. I'm happy listening to old stuff right now. 

What else? I've gotten three mosquito bites in the last two days, all while sitting inside the casita. I hate mosquitoes. Hate them. The only thing I hate worse is bug spray. I'm allergic to citronella, so I can't use any insect repellent that contains it. That leaves a handful of things, including DEET. I don't like spraying myself with chemicals, but it works. What used to work was staying indoors where mosquitoes rarely come. 


It’s my Sunday night/Monday morning shift at work. It’s quiet, which is good. One of the supervisors brought a cake in for my birthday (which was twelve days ago, but it was an ice cream cake—chocolate ice cream and chocolate cake—so it’s been in the freezer this whole time) and I’ve been sharing it out with the staff. I had two tiny bites because the sugar is too much for me. (Never did I think that I would say something like that with a straight face.)

I just came back inside after checking out a lightning storm on the horizon that one of the techs pointed out to me. As I was checking it out, she came outside with the nurse that she is dating (they keep it very quiet, so I pretend to know nothing about it), so I came back in. Give them some privacy.

I have a presentation about autism playing in the background as I write this. We have a number of patients with autism. We’re supposed to be an acute care psychiatric facility—that is, we care for patients with acute psychiatric problems—and autism is not that, but for some reason, the new doctors (the baby docs, just having graduated from med school, some of them) tend to be afraid of their own shadows and will admit every patient who comes in the door. That means we end up with patients who don’t have acute psychiatric problems, but who instead have behavioral problems or who have intellectual disabilities. Neither of those things is an acute psychiatric problem. So it can be a little frustrating.

Anyway, I don’t want to talk about work. I don’t really want to talk about anything, but I do want to document my day somehow.

What else has been going on? A few things, good, bad, and mixed:

I started a new quilt (guess I wrote about it, above, last week) using some of the fabric that David gave me for my birthday and the fabric scraps left over from making masks. It’s an appliquéd collage style and I have completed four and partially completed two more of the twelve to sixteen panels that the quilt will eventually contain. I like it so far. I’m hoping to have it finished in a few weeks.

I have some medical tests coming up, one for my heart and a couple for my lungs. I’m not looking forward to any of them. I’m quite frightened of at least one of them, but I’m trying to remain positive. (Not my strong point.)

My allergies are going crazy.

Our AC got fixed! Yay!

It’s been hot. Most days climb into the mid- to high 90s. We had a wind storm that blew down some of our sunflowers, but we’ve only had a little bit of rain. I’d love to have some crazy rain storms. Our monsoon season never really started here—climate change—so we’re missing a bunch of water. Not great in the desert.

I’m tired. It’s 4:42 in the morning and I still have another two hours and forty minutes of my shift left. Too late to drink coffee. Just have to push through from here on out.

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