Monday, February 8, 2021


 Today we're waiting for the plumber to show up.

Today I'm waiting for a shipment of black fabric from Missouri to finish my shadow quilt.

The plumber is here and I am nervous. I hate having people in the house and having a stranger in the house, even masked, during a pandemic is nervewracking. Yes, I have had one of my vaccination shots and that is good, but it is not good enough. This is a terrifying time and we just endure it.

From where I'm sitting, I can see my red rob, too big and too fuzzy. I can see David's music stand with his music piled on top and a program from the Chelsea music festival in 2018, which he went to on one of his trips to NYC. I can see our exercise bike and my cell phone.


Of course the stupid fucking idiot plumber took his mask off while he was working in the kitchen. He put it back on when Dave went in, but now we're fucking wiping down everything with bleach and peroxide wipes and re-washing the dishes that sit on open shelving. He also used the bathroom, so we wiped down everything there with bleach and peroxide wipes  He tried to come inside the house without a mask to get a towel he had left behind and got pissy when I told him he couldn't go into the house without a mask. 

We've opened the windows and doors and turned the fan on high and now we're still wearing *our* masks for the next several hours at least. 

I'm so fucking pissed off right now. What the fuck is wrong with people?

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