Tuesday, May 4, 2021

in Just-spring


It's early-ish and I have gotten little sleep. We're up because there is a maintenance tech in the house for the AC unit. So I'm masked up in my own house, always a pleasure. And I'm exhausted. And I can't drink my coffee through a mask.

I was up last night because I am always up at night. Yesterday, I managed some sleep throughout the morning, but then last night I slept about ninety minutes or so. Around that bit of sleeping (more like napping), I did some embroidery. I read. I watched/listened to episodes of The Blacklist. I cleaned. I ate. 

Just before six a.m., I fell asleep. Then I was up a little over an hour later. 

Hopefully this maintenance stuff goes well and I can get a nap in after. I should probably take a shower before going back to bed. I actually should have taken a shower last night because cleaning kicked up a lot of dust, but I just didn't feel like it. 

I'm babbling.

I also need to call the dermatologist. And I need to do my PT exercises. And...what else?

This morning:

This morning is still part of yesterday because except for a bit of a nap around ten p.m., I haven't slept. (I did sleep about four hours yesterday after the maintenance guy left.) 

There was rain and thunderstorms yesterday, which was wonderful. 

I did call and make an appointment with the dermatologist. They can see me in early August. 

In the afternoon, I drove up to Judi's and Dave and I had dinner there. Buzz was happy to see me and tried to jump up. The last time I saw him, a few days ago, he jumped on me and scraped his nails down my thigh, leaving a couple of six or seven inch bruises there. Today I got away with one bruise on my right foot (and I'm not even sure I can blame him for that).  

At home, I did more embroidery and watched more Blacklist. I read blogs. Meditated. Pet Gray Kitty. Napped. Then I was up again. The insomnia is tedious this time around.  

Today, more of the same only without the rain and thunder. Alexa says it's supposed to be cloudy and 73 degrees out. Back to your regularly scheduled spring. 

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