Friday, June 4, 2021

What Else?

The week?

We had a socially distanced dinner with Grace and Chris on Monday evening in Kelly and Kevin's backyard. It was a fine evening, the weather cooperated (unlike the day before when an epic rain and hailstorm smashed up our garden and patio plants and knocked out the electricity for a time). We ordered pizza. 

We've lost our cooking mojo at the moment and have been eating way too much takeout, pizza and Korean and fried chicken and Mexican. It's not great for our health or for our bank account, so we're going to have to cut back. Still, it's been nice to leave the cooking to someone else after more than a year of mostly cooking day in and day out.

What else?

Tuesday I had a phone appointment, getting yet another referral for a sleep study (the recent change in insurance companies made my old referral completely useless so I have to start the process all over again). That reminds me that I need to call the sleep study clinic and schedule that. (They're supposed to call, ha-ha, so I will just do it.)

I had PT yesterday. We're in the gray area between bad and better, which is fine. Things are trending in the right direction for which I am grateful. After, I came home and had a panic attack. Then I slept through most of the day. I'm not sleeping at night. Like, at all. 

In the evening there was another thunder storm, then lightning, then rain. I like the rain, always have, but I've become more sensitive to the pressure changes that the storms moving through bring and I get headaches and feel spaced out as its happening. That is not a very welcome change.

Also this week, I started therapy again with my old therapist. I saw her on Monday (or was it Tuesday?) and I'll see her again today at noon. 

Somewhere in all of that, I finished the second embroidered portrait of my grandmother and started in on some of the motifs that she favored, morning glories and doves and sunflowers.

And in a related note, I do have a new camera to use to take pictures of my embroidery and sewing projects, but it is a process to upload photos to my computer. I have to upload them to the camera manufacturer's site (where they are stored for 30 days) and from there I can upload them to my computer or to my flickr site and then to my blog. Gone are the days of uploading from my phone, all because of the smashed lens on my phone. Someday we'll get new phones and then I'll go back to the easy way. But for now, I do have a way to upload photos. Which I will get right on. After therapy and after I get some sleep.

What else? 

Gray Kitty has a UTI and is on antibiotics. Poor Dave is stuck with the job of dosing him once a day with an antibiotic that smells like cupcakes. Everyone knows that cats love cupcakes, right? But he does seem t be feeling a bit better, so that's good. He's such a good and stoic cat, very low key. 

What else?

I'm now watching Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce on Netflix. I started watching it after I finished binging the seven available seasons of The Blacklist. Both shows are complete soap operas that I can put on in the background while I do other things. 

I used to wonder at my grandmother (and many of the other women I knew growing up) watching afternoon soaps (As the World Turns, General Hospital, The Guiding Light, Search for Tomorrow, Days of Our Lives, The Young and the Restless, One Life to Live, Ryan's Hope, All My Children) and evening soaps (Dallas, Dynasty, Falcon's Crest, to name a few lodged in my memory) and even now (Downton Abbey, This is Us, etc., etc., etc.) but now I get it. They're the brain food equivalent of potato chips and I devour hour after hour of them.

Remember reading? 

I have been reading some. I finished re-reading Under the Lilacs by Louisa May Alcott and started in on another wonderfully written and completely depressing nonfiction book called String Too Short to Be Saved by Donald Hall. I also ordered autobiographical works by Barack Obama and Oliver Sacks.

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