Saturday, January 22, 2022

What's New

I have a new phone (which I'm trying to type this on right now) and Dave has a new phone.  But this picture of us on Christmas eve was taken with Dave's old phone just after we finished lighting the luminarias.
(I was wearing a mask because our drunk next door neighbor kept coming outside to ask if we needed help and of course she wasn't wearing a mask. Dave took his off after she went back inside her house but I kept mine on just in case.)

Like I said, I've decided that I'm going to outread this pandemic. This is a stack of books (one of about four stacks of this size, thirty- plus books)  that I've read in the last six months or so. 

 I've got another stack of fifteen or so waiting to be read and another four books on the way from thriftbooks, the online used bookstore I've been ordering from. 

I'm reading a book right now called Damaged written by a foster mother who discovers that the little girl she is fostering was repeatedly raped by her father and his friends, abused as part of a ring of pedophiles.  I took care of children like this, boys and girls, at my last job.  Their stories were horrific and all had been psychologically damaged as well as physically abused. The book is not nearly as graphic as the patient histories I've read but it's graphic enough especially considering that most people who read it will have had no prior exposure to such stories. 

Later, maybe the next day? 

I'm finished with the above book, moving on to something else. But what? 

Stay safe. 


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