Friday, May 20, 2022


My week started off with a visit to the dermatologist and having a suspect spot of skin frozen off with liquid nitrogen. That was not fun. 

Then came the dentist with news that I'm going to need some extensive and expensive treatments. 
So it's been kind of a disheartening week even without looking very much at the news.
Because it is a very horrible time in America right now and all my fantasies are about escaping this place. 

So I did what any sensible person would do and I skipped therapy. (I'm also kind of pissed off at my therapist so that's another reason.) I just wanted to stay home and watch YouTube videos, so I did. 

I haven't been reading, like, at all.  Last month I read 12 books and this month, I finished one crappy novel that I started last month. Partly that was because The Brain came to an end with its fascination with 1940's detective fiction by Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett and partly because the stack of books I have next to my bed are mainly depressing-as- hell nonfiction books (one about abortion, one by a nurse who became suicidal while working during the first covid wave, one about death rituals around the world... you get the idea.  Important things but not while I'm in this mindset.) 

So I ordered some new, much lighter reading. I'm waiting for that to come in. J

I haven't done much sewing either. I sewed some crumb blocks and I made two small round drawstring bags from a self-drafted pattern but that's it. 



Kelly said...

I'm really sorry to hear you've been going through some things with your health, I really understand about wanting to escape. I was really hoping 2022 would be much better but it's just as tough as the previous two years! Hope you get your books soon and enjoy them. Take care xx

Rosa said...

If it's not one thing it's another, right? It's hard to keep looking forward to better times when this pandemic has us all pinned down. Take care of yourself and be well!--Rosa