Sunday, October 8, 2023



 Your brain doesn't know how to parse that image, right? That is three quilts in progress. (Four actually, but you can't see the one that's behind all the others.) On the right and left are the yellow and multi-patterned prairie flower blocks. I've sewn them together since I took that picture and now they need a couple of borders (in the same dark burgundy for the first border and an indigo blue larger border after that.)  Behind those blocks on the left are the green, purple, and orange prairie blocks. They also need a couple of borders. (I'm thinking of doing them in orange and green.) Behind those blocks is the Sunbonnet Sue quilt. It's got one border sewn on and needs a larger second border. Then all of them will need to be sandwiched and quilted. 

A couple of nights ago, I stayed up late into the night sewing. I was sitting by the open window (my sewing machine sits just in front of a big window) and I could hear crickets (as I do now). The nights are pleasantly cooler now and I like it. Since I'm not sleeping, I may as well enjoy it.

When she came to lunch on Sunday, Judi recommended a Netflix show called Fisk, an Australian comedy. I put that on in the background after awhile and ended up binge watching the entire first season. It's a smart, funny show. There is a second season, but it's not available in the states. 

I have alse been watching the final season of Sex Education, which I love.  


It's been a few days since I wrote the above bit. The prairie blocks are all assembled, sashed, and bordered with the first border. I'm waiting for Dave's input before I put the next border on. Then I'm hoping I have enough of the indigo fabric to back it. I do have some batting that I ordered a long time ago to use so I'm all set there.

Then I have another quilt that is in pieces that I want to finish. It should take a few days, but that will be another finish.

My sewing has been slightly hindered by Gray Kitty, who has decided that my sewing chair is the one place that he wants to be about 23 hours of the day. He's an old boy and I don't like to disturb him, so I let him sleep there whenever he wants to. After awhile, he'll get bored and find someplace new to sleep. The last time, it was on top of a towel that I dropped near the washer. He immediately claimed it and could be found there, day in and day out, so consistently that we began to refer to it as his "nest." He probably spent about ten days there. For a few months, he slept on the spare bed in Dave's office. He even tried out the dog's bed in there for a bit. (The dog doesn't use it.) When he moves on from my chair, I can get back to sewing.

Last night I slept through part of the night, which is good. This morning, though, I yelled at the dog for waking me up. He has a habit, when he wants attention, of barking and barking and barking and barking and barking. It woke me up and I yelled at him and he stopped barking for about a minute, but of course I couldn't get back to sleep after that. Which was fine, because all he did was relocate to the living room where he continued to bark and bark and bark and bark.

Even Later:

It's 2:30 in the morning now as I write this. I fell asleep around nine p.m. and slept for about forty minutes and I have been up since then. I may fall asleep again around five or six. I'm not tired now, in the middle of the night, though I will be tired all day tomorrow. I've been watching youtube videos and looking at reddit and other websites. Once upon a time, I used to read throughout the nights when I couldn't sleep. Now I can barely focus on a book for ten or fifteen minutes at a time. 

I brought my computer and moved from the bed to my sewing area as Gray Kitty abandoned my chair for a moment in search of something. I gave him treats and some wet food, both of which he refused. Oh, well. He's sitting near me on the rug now.

I was hungry about an hour ago, so I had a bit of leftover salad and then I had to brush my teeth again. 

I don't have anything interesting to write about. It goes that way sometimes in the night.

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