Tuesday, January 9, 2024

I'm Afraid

 Nine days into the new year. How are things going for you?

My post-Christmas sales purchases are still arriving. Today's deliveries brought a bubble light centerpiece with nine bubble lights on it and two sets of miniature blown glass ornaments. My mini Christmas tree is going to be amazing next year. 

Next year. Sigh. 

I started taking down our Christmas decorations. I packed away all the ornaments and started on the lights but there is a set of lights that is tangled up in the tree and I can't reach it so I need to wait for Dave to do it.

Dave is off this afternoon packing up his mother's things. She'll move on Thursday into the new facility where she will have more help.

I'm still cleaning up and decluttering. I went through the bathroom closet and cleared out a bunch of stuff that we didn't use in the casita and haven't used since we moved in here. I'm slowly going through drawers and cabinets with an eye on eventually getting to the garage and clearing that out. It's an endless struggle, isn't it, this managing of things, things, things.

On Sunday we went and helped Judi pack up her books. Most of them were Paul's actually, some of the few things of his that Judi didn't get rid of when he died. I mean, she kept his photographs and such for his daughters, but all the rest (clothes, CDs, etc.) all went within a few months of his death. Judi is taking three or so boxes of books. We took three boxes of books. Another twelve or so will be donated. A sad business, this. The movers will come soon and Judi will go soon after. 

In other sad news, her dog Buzz is also not likely to be around much longer. He's been very sick for awhile. Our dog, too.

This will be a year of loss, I'm afraid.

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