Saturday, February 17, 2024

A Good Day

 It's been a long time since I wrote anything in the blog. Part of the reason is because I screwed up my neck again (sleeping this time) and it's been in some degree of increased pain for about six or seven weeks. More on that in a sec.

We got through Judi's move--she's in Florida now and we sent a nice housewarming gift. I have texted with her several times and she is exhausted from the move I think. Moving house is not an easy thing to undertake in you 80s and Judi is such a control freak that it just adds to the pile of things that are exhausting. Another friend gone in one way or another, I guess.

I started up with physical therapy again yesterday. Of course, my neck felt better before the appointment. (I had to wait four weeks for the appointment.) I went anyway and there are definitely improvements that I can make to keep things going okay. I've had to resign myself to a certain amount of daily pain, but there are things that make it better (and definitely things that make it worse).

Dave is off this morning on a grocery run with my brother. They will stop and pick up a grocery order and then probably stop by the Walmart pharmacy for my brother's prescriptions then pick up lunch someplace. After that, I'll go pick up Dave. 

I don't really want to leave the house today.


Kentucky Lady said...

Hope everything is ok. Miss you blog.

Rosa said...

Hi, KL. Okay enough. It's the usual spring malaise. Hope you are well, friend.