Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Am Grateful

 Chance had a burger patty from Five Guys for his dinner. He had a couple of my salt-free fries to go with it. Dave's dinner was a chocolate shake and an order of Cajun fries. We're all comfort eating right now.

I'm not sleeping. I can't fall asleep at night, so I was up until the sun was coming up. I slept into the early afternoon and now I'm up again. I sewed a bit throughout the night, finishing a large quilt top that now just needs to be backed. (I ordered a large fuzzy blanket to use for the backing since it's a mess of large seams and a thin cotton backing wouldn't be very comfortable.) I also used the coupon I got to order some more fabric. (What am I doing??) Fabric buying is like book buying; it's a whole different hobby from sewing. I speak as someone who reads and sews as hobbies--and who also buys books and fabric as whole different hobbies. (See also making art and collecting art supplies.)

Did I write about the dizziness last time? That's ongoing. All day today. I think it's made worse by menopause anxiety allergies atmospheric pressure changes neck and back tension. You name it. I'm trying to push through...and hoping it's not something horrible, like a stroke waiting in the wings. (Isn't The Hypochondriac Brain the best? In the last month, I've been septic, am waiting for a stroke, have out-of-control diabetes...You name it.) 

Just to avoid this being a complete downer, here is a list of things I am grateful for:

I am grateful for the hummingbirds who come to visit the feeder outside our windows.

I am grateful for spring, for the leaves on the trees.

I am grateful for my fabric and art supplies. 

I am grateful for episodes of Sex & the City. Such a fun, ridiculous show.

I am grateful for this time with Chance and for our little family, haphazard as it is.

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