Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Pros and Cons

 Dental surgery yesterday. Scary stuff, as always. 

A cold, gray day today. Cold, mushy foods and pain meds that make me feel like a zombie. 

The last, sad episodes of Elementary.

But also Dave to take care of me and make me pudding and cold potato soup and kind words of encouragement from Kelly and snuggling up on the couch under quilts I made. There are a few Christmas decorations I managed to get put up over the weekend to cheer me up. There are two new mini trees decorated with some new mini ornaments (from last year's after Christmas clearance sales, put away until this year), little glass balls, tiny versions of the ones that hung on my grandmother's tree every year, and little glass Santas.

Okay. I'll try to find good things to focus on, positive things promote healing.

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